Amplify Kids

At Amplify Kids, our vision is to lead kids into a growing relationship with Jesus. Your kids will spend their time playing games, worshipping, hearing the Word of God, and learning about God in a safe and fun environment. Our hope is that every kid leaves church feeling loved, empowered, and ready to take the message of Jesus into their daily life.

Infants + Toddlers

Genesis is all about the word EMBRACE. Our dynamic curriculum focuses on three truths that are so important for our littlest ones to learn from the very beginning!


Just drop your infant or toddler off in our amazing Genesis environment on the first floor of our Children’s Wing and then enjoy the worship service.

Pre K - 2nd grade

The Upstreet Floor is all about the word TRUST. Our unique and creative programming consistently points children to a life of trust in Jesus Christ. Each week your child will embark on an adventure while learning about one “Big Idea” per month. Each Big Idea revolves around one of the three main themes.

Drop your child off at one of our fun and creative environments on the main level of our Children’s Wing, where they’ll spend time learning with kids in their age group before heading over to the awesome Clubhouse Theater for a time of singing and super-fun and creative Bible storytelling. Hero kids follow the same curriculum used in Genesis.

The Loft
3rd- 6th graders

The Loft is on the 3rd floor of our Children’s Wing. Curriculum for this age group centers around the word TRUST and our unique and creative programming consistently point children to a life of trust in Jesus Christ. Each week your child will embark on an adventure while learning about one “Big Idea” per month, and each Big Idea revolves around one of the three main themes:

FAITH: I can trust God no matter what
WISDOM: I need to make the wise choice
FRIENDSHIP: I need to treat others the way I want to be treated

Head upstairs to the 3rd floor of our Children’s Wing to check your kids into their classrooms where they will participate in age-appropriate learning activities before heading over to the Loft Theater for interactive worship and engaging Bible storytelling.